Anakin and Padme

Anakin and Padme

Friday, March 16, 2012

Star Wars: The unexpected part 1

The unexpected
summary: what if Luke had always known Darth Vader was his father? Okay well what if when he was 12 years old he got transported back in time right before Anakin returns to find out the Padme is pregnant. Could Luke save his father from his fate? And how much trouble can he get into while he's at it? Well let's travel to a galaxy far far away and find out!
Warning: May be spanking. Don't like don't read!
Star Wars: The unexpected
chapter one: A not so talkative child.
Appearing out of nowhere was an odd thing to do. Not that Luke had meant to disappear and then rematerialized in a place he didn't recognize. But it had still happened.
And now he was in an elevator the door suddenly opened and there before him now were what looked two men in black clocks.
They both were genuinely surprised when they saw him.
"Youngling what in the world are you doing here?" Obi Wan asked curious as to why one so young was on a ship like this.
Luke didn't answer. He was starting at the other man whom seemed familiar somehow.
Then he realized the other man had asked him a question and it was probably rude to just ignore him.
"I didn't mean to." It was all Luke could think to say.
Obi Wan seemed to sense it at the same time Anakin did.
"Your force sensitive. The force must have brought you here. I wonder why? I've heard of younglings appearing at the temple but I've never seen it. You'll have to stay with us I guess. We're on a mission and it's very important. Stay by my side unless I tell you other wise please." Obi Wan said politely as he and Anakin entered the elevator.
Anakin also noticed the resemblance between the boy and himself. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked a great deal like he had when he was a boy. His chin was different. Almost like his wife's.
He put his thought away when the elevator stopped.
"Did you press stop?" Anakin asked.
"No did you?" Obi Wan asked back.
"There's more then one way out of here." Anakin said.
"We don't want to get out we want to get moving. R2 activate Elevator 31174. R2 do you copy? R2?" Obi wan spoke into a com unit.
Anakin had used his light saber to cut a hole in the top of the elevator and then jumped up through it and was no on top of the elevator.
"Always on the move." Obi Wan sighed.
Luke had a slight smile on his face he was impressed and by now had realized that the two men were Jedi.
The Elevator suddenly shifted and began to go down.
Luke fell from the force of the jolt while Obi Wan was able to keep his feet.
"R2 stop we need to be going up. Not down. R2 do you copy?" Obi wan asked.
He had sensed that Anakin was several feet above them now.
Probably hanging on the side somewhere.
The elevator jolted again and began to move up.
A few moments later Anakin hopped back into the elevator.
Obi wan activated his Light saber after turning and then shut it off.
"Oh it's you." he said.
After a moment Anakin glanced at the child then back at his master "What was that all about?" he demanded.
Obi wan just shook his head "well R2 has been.." Anakin interrupted him.
"No lose wire jokes." he said with a stubborn air as he looked right at Obi wan.
"Did I say anything?" Obi wan asked.
"He's trying." Anakin defended the droid.
"I didn't say anything." Obi Wan commented innocently.
Luke laughed he really couldn't help it.
Anakin looked down at the child.
"What are you laughing at Youngling?" Anakin asked.
"Anakin be nice." Obi Wan playfully scolded even though he knew Anakin was teasing the boy.
"Anakin?" Luke asked nervous now.
Anakin looked at the boy that had said his name.
"Yes. I'm Anakin Skywalker. What's your name?" Anakin asked realizing that they hadn't asked him before.
"Um. Luke." Luke said now a little pale and trying to figure what in the sith hell was going on.
Anakin Skywalker was his father's name before he had become a sith.
"And your last name?" Obi Wan asked.
"I don't think I'm allowed to tell you." Luke said.
Obi Wan and Anakin seemed to raise their eye brow at the same time.
"Really? Your literally unable to tell us your last name?" Anakin asked.
"Um. Definitely." Luke decided.
"Okay then. I must say that's new one. We're here." Anakin suddenly said as the doors opened then suddenly they closed again.
"No!" Luke has shouted sensing the sith and right after that shout the doors had closed and the elevator was moving again.
Obi Wan knelt down. "What's the matter?" he asked.
"A sith was there. I sensed him." Luke said scared.
"You sensed a sith? Your just a Youngling. You shouldn't be able to identify the force signature of a sith." Obi Wan said.
"Yeah he shouldn't be able to control an elevator either." Anakin said a little fascinated now.
The boy was so young after all.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be scared. If I take you back can I stay in the elevator. I don't wanna see the sith." Luke said.
"You can move the elevator again? Just like that. It comes that easily to you? Have you trained before?" Obi Wan asked.
"Trained for what?" Luke asked curious. Then thought of something.
"Wait if he's Anakin Skywalker does that make you Obi Wan?" Luke asked.
"Yes. You've heard of us?" Obi Wan asked.
"Maybe." Luke said knowingly and then the elevator returned to the previous floor.
Luke stayed in the elevator and what seemed like years later but was really only about ten minutes four men were now in the elevator. Luke sensed that two were sith.
One had hand cuff's on.
Once the elevator stopped this time Anakin and Obi Wan had to fight some droids. "R2 get down here." Anakin ordered after the fight.
A moment later they were going through the hall when blue shields surrounded them.
"Ray shields." Anakin said knowingly as they were now all trapped.
"I suggest patience." Anakin said.
"Patience?" Obi Wan asked.
"yes patience. R2 will be down in a minute and he will release the Ray shields." Anakin said.
"Are you sure your Anakin Skywalker?" Luke said skeptically.
"I was the last time I checked." Anakin said and then R2 can squealing in a moment later and bumped into a wall which sent Luke into a fit of giggles which had all the men staring at him.
Anakin and Obi Wan seemed highly amused by his reaction.
"I want that droid!" Luke said after a moment of giggling.
"Funny. I want my droid too." Anakin said with a smirk.
Then more droids arrived.
"do you have a plan B?" Obi Wan asked.
"Plan B? What was plan A?" Luke asked confused.
"Well theoretically R2 was going to rescue us. But that fell through and I assume there is no plan B." Obi Wan said knowingly.
And they were all taken to the General.
He took their light sabers and then taunted them.
They easily got their saber's back and dueled and destroyed droids while the General escaped from a pod.
"The escape Pod's have been launched." Obi Wan said.
"The General." Anakin said back.
"Can you pilot this thing?" Obi Wan asked as he realized the new problem that this was now the ship they were going to land in.
Anakin Sat in the pilot seat and Obi Wan sat in another seat as did the Chancellor and Count Dooku.
Luke vowed that he would not move from his current spot.
"I'd say my ability to pilot this thing is irrelevant. Strap yourselves in. Luke get over here and sit on Obi Wan." Anakin said.
"No." Luke rebelled he would not go near the sith lord sitting near the Jedi.
"Luke I wasn't asking. Get over here and sit on Obi Wan." Anakin commanded.
"I wont!" Luke said stubbornly.
"LUKE NOW!" Anakin said sternly as he threw a glare at the boy.
In an act of pure stubbornness he sat down on the floor.
Anakin stared at the child not believing that there was a child that could be that stubborn.
He reminded Anakin again of himself.
A huge jolt made him pay attention to the ship again.
"We lost something." Anakin said calmly.
"It's alright we're still flying half a ship." Obi Wan said he unbuckled himself.
"Master what are you doing? We're fixing to pick up speed." Anakin said.
"yes. All the more reason for me to get the child." Obi Wan said and was beside Luke now.
He didn't bother addressing the boy he just lifted him right up which caused one LOUD tantrum as the boy kicked and screamed "I WILL NOT SIT BY THE SITH! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! YOUR NOT MY FATHER! MY FATHER IS FLYING THIS STUPID SHIP! LET ME GO LEAVE ME ALONE! I AM NOT EVER FROM THIS STINKING TIME! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO I'M FROM THE FUTURE!" Luke screamed not realizing that he had just admitted to not only being from the future but also that he was somehow Anakin's son.
Anakin was about ready to lose it. And fast!
He was trying to land the plan and his SON was being very difficult and LOUD. How could one boy make so much noise? Anakin wondered. He had never been that terrible.
Obi Wan ignored the revelations for the time and got in his seat forcefully holding the boy still in his lap and Anakin landed the plan hard. Not that there was any other option about how to land it.
Obi Wan trying to break the ice said "Another happy landing."
Anakin was not amused. "You." he said looking at his son "are in a world of trouble."
"Which world of trouble?" Luke asked snottily.
Anakin had to force himself not to smile. It was not funny. It was NOT funny! He told himself twice before he just got up and went over to the prisoner.
He took the Count away to hand him over to the authorities.
Obi Wan almost had to drag Luke out of the ship by his hand. "That's attached you know. You can't pull it off." Luke snapped by this time Anakin was back near them "You hush." Anakin said with annoyance but it was also hinted with slight amusement.
He then sensed Padme. "If you'll excuse me Master I think I'll take my son with me. I'll give you the story once I have it. You Youngling. Are coming with me." Anakin informed as he took his son's hand from his Master and headed over to the shadows where Padme was hiding.
When she saw him with a child she was surprised.
"Ani?" she asked.
Anakin looked at her smugly and asked "Is there something you'd like to tell me Padme? Like maybe your pregnant?" Anakin asked. Padme gasped.
"How did you know that?" She demanded.
"Padme I'd like you to meet our son. Who has somehow come back in time and is WAY too much like me at the moment." Anakin introduced.
"Oh so your a boy are you?" she asked him with a laugh very happy now.
"Um. Yeah let's not discuss that." Luke said
"Oh. Alright. Well I guess you ruined the surprised." She said still smiling.
"Luke. My name is Luke. What's your name?" Luke couldn't help but ask.
"Luke. My name is Padme. But you don't call me Padme in your time do you?" she asked.
"No." he said honestly.
"What do you call me?" she asked curious.
"I don't call you anything." Luke said simply.
"What do you mean?" she asked confused.
"Your not...around for me to call you anything." Luke said.
"Explain." Anakin demanded.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Your my mom aren't you? I mean you gave birth to me and...Your pregnant with me." Luke said.
"Well yes I suppose." Padme said.
"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry I never got to. Your pretty. If you would have to do is get rid of me." Luke said not saying anything about his sister.
Padme just stared at him as did Anakin.
"Wait. You don't know me do you Luke? I died in child birth?" she asked.
He nodded sadly. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not. I'm not sorry at all. I want to have more then anything in this world. And you've come back in time. So maybe there's something we can do to change what happened to me. Why did I die?" Padme asked.
Luke couldn't help the thought that ran through his head but he was shocked when his father heard it too.
-Yeah unless you can stop dad from turning to the dark side I don't think there is a way to save you. He said to himself.
Anakin turned Luke around fast and knelt down looking him right in the eye "Please tell me I miss heard that." Anakin said not understanding how he could turn to the dark side.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you could hear me in this time too. I'm sorry you shouldn't know that." Luke said.
"Luke have you ever heard the phrase Knowledge is power? Just knowing the future can help us change it. There's time to prevent this. There is a reason for everything. There's a reason the you were brought back in time too. Your meant to change this. With our help." Anakin said and made a vow right there that he would NOT turn to the dark side.
Luke thought about it and agreed.
The future sucked anyways. He had a chance to change it. Why shouldn't he take that chance.
But there was one more thing he needed to reveal since the Jedi were apparently clueless as well as stupid.
He looked into his father's eyes and said "I'm trusting you. Now you need to trust me. The sith lord your searching for is the Chancellor you just rescued." Luke said.
Stunned silence greeted that sentence and then Luke Felt Lord Vader enter his head trying to find him. He put his shields up to block the sith lord.
Was it really this simple?
Could he really just come back in time and change the future and save his father all at the same time.
To be continued...
Next time: mental chat with Vader while being interrogated by the Jedi council and his father.

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