Chapter two: A head can't really explode! Can it?
It took a moment for either of them to respond to the revelation that the chancellor was really Darth Sidius. The first thing that came to Anakin was "Are you sure Luke? Because you need to be sure before we say anything to the council." Anakin said.
"I'm sure! I've seen him in my time! And sensed it in this time." Luke insisted. What did his father think he would just make something like that up? wait Jedi council?
"Why do we need to tell the Jedi council?" Luke asked.
"Because we've been searching for him and if your sure about who and where he is then we need to tell them so that they can make a decision about what to do." Anakin answered.
"Ani what are you going to tell them about Luke?" Padme asked.
"Let's worry about that bridge later. Right now they will want know more about him and why he's here and what we can do to change the future. But in order for us to help your going to have to tell us the future." Anakin said then added "Now come on. We'll see you late Padme." Anakin said as he took Luke's hand again and led him to the Council.
Luke was having a hard time shielding his Other father and knew that his shield wouldn't last much longer. He felt his father's fear and anger at him. Oh come on. It wasn't like it was his fault he was whisked away by the force! It was completely unfair for his dad to blame him for that. Right?
The council
Obi Wan had reported that in some way this boy was from the future and also was Anakin's child.
The master's were all very curious about this boy now.
Luke stood in front of the council while his father had a comforting hand on his shoulder. He stood by Luke's side for moral support.
"Skywalker blood I sense in you. Also I sense the dark Side. Tell us of the future you have seen Youngling." Master Yoda spoke.
Luke stood quiet for a moment trying not to laugh at the Jedi masters REALLY bad grammar.
Unfortunately that's what caused his shields to drop and suddenly his other father was speaking to him.
"LUKE! Where the hell are you! Answer me right now!" Lord Vader yelled angrily in his head.
Luke cringed which made everyone in the room curious.
They all sensed that something was wrong.
"Sorry dad. It's not my fault I accidentally got transported through time and am now in the time where my mother was pregnant with me. Why didn't you ever tell me mom was so pretty?" Luke asked inside his head to distract his father though it didn't work at all.
"Luke what's happening?" Obi Wan asked.
Luke spoke out loud this time.
"Well the short version is that the chancellor is the sith Lord your all looking for. He manipulated my father and turned him to the dark side and I guess I was put here to try and change all that. Oh and also dad's kinda in my head now and it's all Yoda's fault! You made me lose concentration and I dropped my shields and now dad is yelling at me!" Luke said pouting.
That brought several revelations and many answers to questions that had not been verbally spoken yet.
"Wait the other me is in your head yelling at you?" Anakin asked.
Well not technically yelling he was just asking questions.
"Luke what the hell do you mean your in the time when your..." Lord Vader could not even finish the sentence.
"Okay fine. Luke above all else you can't tell anyone anything about the future!" Lord Vader told him.
"Why?" Luke asked but it was out loud.
"Why what?" Anakin asked. Oh great!
"No I'm not asking you why I'm asking the other you why. He just said not to tell you of the future." Luke said. Oh wow talk about a headache.
"Because If you tell them anything it may cause the future to change." Lord Vader said.
"Um. I'm not seeing the downside." Luke said in a humorous tone again it was out loud though.
"Luke you do know you don't have to verbally answer him to communicate with him right?" Anakin asked.
"If you would shut up I wouldn't have to talk to both of you at the same time and get all confused and forget to talk in my head!" Luke said in the same tone.
"Luke what have you told them already?" Vader asked.
"Uh. I'm pretty sure I already told them everything." Luke said again out loud.
"Everything! Luke you told them everything? Why the hell did you do that! And where the hell did you learn to shield yourself? And why the hell were you shielding yourself from me? I am your father!" Vader yelled now.
"Okay I am so NOT going to answer that. Look I can do this dad. I have a chance to save you. And I'm gonna take it." Luke said in his head this time.
"Save me? Save me from what!" Vader demanded.
"From the Dark Side Duh!" Luke said in his head in a 'What are you stupid?' tone.
"Don't you take that tone with me Youngling! And I do not need saving. I definitely don't need to be saved by my 11 year old son!" Vader growled.
"Well I don't think the force is giving us a choice here. So I think I'll do as the force wants thank you very much!" Luke sassed in his head.
"Luke knock it off! You better change that attitude right now! You know better then to talk to me like that." Vader scolded.
Yeah yeah. Luke thought then addressed the council who apparently had started a conversation of their own without him. How rude! Luke thought.
"So what have you decided?" Luke asked.
"Nothing has been decided yet. We are still only discussing the problems. Are you done talking with your father?" Obi Wan asked.
"I'm done responding to my father does that count?" Luke asked.
Anakin smirked. He was done responding? That kid had guts! If he was ignoring a sith. A sith who was his own father.
Vader yelled at him after he heard that and Luke almost yelled No when he heard Vader say
Weather I'm on the Dark Side or not when you get back I am going to blister you backside three shades of red!
Well if his father was on the good side then he would gladly take a spanking for his success.
Wait? Was he being punished for his disrespect. Traveling through time, or trying to save his father? Luke wondered.
"The First one." His father told him in his head. Oh well at least his father wasn't going to hold the other two against him.
"Don't be ridiculous Luke. If it was me in your place I would probably try to change what happened to. I'm a lot of things but I have also learned a lot since those days. And I can tell you about things that you don't know. Like what really started me down my path to the Dark Side. But I can already sense that something was changed while you were there...Count Dooku. Obi Wan didn't get knocked out and so I Darth Sidius didn't tell me to kill Count Dooku. Your presence there made Obi Wan more on his guard I think. But you already changed one thing that helped me down this path. The next thing that will happen is the dreams I had. You need to wait until I have the dream before you tell me that's it's a trick. The only reason Padme was in danger was because I was going to turn to the Dark Side. The dreams were a warning from the force that if I continued in the same direction I was going to lose your mother. I thought it was a vision and what I did was done to save her. But I only made the dream real when I turned to the dark side. I realize that now. But now is too late. Your the only one that can do this Luke. I'll help you as much as I can but I'm going to have my hands full doing the Emperors bidding. He wants me to destroy Alderaan. Vader said inside his head.
"NO!" Luke screamed out loud.
Which shocked the Jedi Lord Vader and himself. Oops.
"Luke what's wrong?" Anakin asked as he knelt before his son. "What is it?"
"What the hell is wrong now?" Vader demanded.
Luke refused to think about it. He would not reveal...you know who to his father.
"Excuse me? Luke what are you hiding?" Vader demanded able to sense that his son didn't want him to know something.
"You can't destroy Alderaan!" Luke said out loud. "Just wait. Please! Make an excuse or something. Please!" Luke said out loud tears filling his eyes unable to help himself.
All those innocent people and you know who would be murdered and going through all that was NOT on today's to do list for Luke.
Anakin was shocked. "Luke. I can't actually destroy Alderaan can I?"
Luke nodded his head. "You can use the battle station to do it but yeah."
"Luke don't do this. Don't block me. Let me in. Let me help you. Let me see why your so upset about this. Let me see what you don't want me to know." Vader begged hurting because he could feel his sons turmoil.
"I can't. I'm sorry. Just don't do this. Don't destroy the planet. You don't HAVE to do his bidding. It's a choice. Just like it was your choice to turn to the dark side. Now if you really want to help me you have to do the right thing. Give me time. Please. I need more time to save you." Luke said inside his head.
"Alright alright. Luke I'm sorry. I'll figure something out but I need to go now. I just had to find you and now that I have I'll figure something else out in order to give you the time you need. I'll talk to you again later. I'll wake you up when the other me has the dream okay." Vader said and then put his own shield in place to end the conversation.
Luke looked at the others in the room. "He's gone now. There's other things I have to do. He's going to help me." Luke said.
"I thought you said I was a sith. Well if I'm a sith Lord why am I going to help you save me?" Anakin asked confused.
"Because you know the truth now. And you said there was things I didn't know that helped you down the path to the dark side and that's why you were going to help me too. Maybe you regret the choices you made and you want me to save you. I talked you out of destroying the planet so maybe I really can save you." Luke said with confidence now.
"Is there anything else we need to know at the moment Luke?" Obi Wan asked.
Luke shook his head "No. I don't think so. I told you everything I know." Luke said and then thought of what his father had told him about the dream. But his father didn't want him to say anything yet. But why? Luke wondered but then he just let it go thinking that maybe there wasn't a reason. Maybe his father just thought it was better to wait until the younger Anakin had the dream.
Okay so now he just had to wait for his father to wake him up?
Well what was he going to do until then?
Was there even anything to do in the Jedi temple?
He would have to wait and find out he supposed.
To be continued...
Next time: Luke gets into trouble and Vader wakes Luke up after Anakin has the dream. What will Luke say to his father? How will he explain that it's a trick?
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