Anakin and Padme

Anakin and Padme

Friday, March 16, 2012

Star Wars: The unexpected part 4

Chapter four: Never saw that coming!
A week later:
In the confrontation with the chancellor Jedi Master Windu and Master Yoda ended up fighting him and were forced to destroy him. Though it was not the Jedi way to kill they saw it as the only solution to a very big problem that would only get worse because the Chancellor was too powerful and had too much influence. They had to do what was best for the innocent people they protected.
And so when the council met up again the report was made and the chancellor was dead.
Luke REALLY wanted to go home but for some reason that he couldn't comprehend he was still in the past. He had not heard his father's voice since the day the younger version of him came home and told Padme and Luke that the Chancellor was dead.
Luke was a little worried about why his father wasn't in his head anymore. He couldn't hear Leia either and that just grated on his nerves. He NEEDED to know what was going on in the future and why no one was talking to him. Had it worked? Was his father a Jedi Master now? Where was his sister? He needed to know these things before he could calm down on the inside.
On the outside he had to pretend like it didn't bother him because lets face it he didn't want his mother going into well... mother mode. So he had to act like he was just fine on the outside.
On the inside he was screaming.
His mother was getting bigger and bigger and by now Anakin had told the council that he was married to Padme and that she was pregnant. For some reason they had given him permission to remain at the temple as a Jedi. This made him happy since he wasn't expecting it.
Luke didn't really want to be here when he was born. Was that even possible? What would happen to him if he saw his own birth.
Luke had a very bad feeling about this not hearing voices thing.
He was about to go stir crazy too. His mother was constantly there like she was trying to get in practice or something. Okay she probably was but it was still annoying.
Two days later:
Oh force why did this always happen to him? Luke wondered as he heard his mother scream down the hall from the medical room. His father was in their with her and Master Yoda and Obi Wan were sitting with him.
Master Yoda was giving him a speech about how you either do or do not and that there is no try.
Luke just about got up to prove to the Jedi that the word try did indeed exist so it was there but he chose not too. Now was not the time to be a smart ass. Or so he figured.
When the yelling stopped a couple moments later there was panic and then a robot came to speak with master Yoda but it was Obi Wan then asked the question "What's happening?"
"For reason's we can not explain we are losing her. She is very tiny and may not survive. She had been hooked to life support which is all we can offer the baby." the robot said and Luke's head snapped up at that.
His heart had been screaming for what seemed like the entire time his mother was in labor and now according to the robot something appeared to be wrong with Leia.
Luke couldn't stand this a moment longer. He got up and rushed down the hallway while Yoda said "Youngling no. you must stop."
the Robot that tried to get in his way was flung across the room so hard that it was destroyed.
Luke ran into the room where his mother and father stood over a small shaped glass case that had Leia in it. He went over to it and saw that Anakin had his baby self in his arms.
Padme had tears in her eyes.
Anakin was barely holding together and only manged to do so because he had his baby son in his arms.
Luke suddenly got an idea.
Leia wasn't suppose to die here. He knew that. He also knew that he wasn't suppose to be here.
He had wished desperately for a way to save his father.
Perhaps if he wished with all his heart again then he would be taken back.
He somehow knew that it was his presence that was draining his sisters strength.
He reached his hand out and touched his sister's sleeping face. "I love you Leia. And I want you to know that even though everything in the time line was changed because of what I did...I'm not sorry I did it. It saved dad and that alone makes it worth it all. And I bet moms around too. I can't wait to find out. I'm sorry that my being here is making you weak. Once I'm gone I know you'll be fine. I love you mom. Dad you can't imagine how happy I've been getting to know this side of you. Your amazing. But a little advice...Think things through before you do them. I know that's not really you and I know look who's talking right? But it's worth a shot." Then Luke closed his eyes and wished with all his heart to go back home.
Anakin and Padme watched as he faded away and then were shocked when Leia who had not made a sound since coming out suddenly screamed bloody murder. Padme was about to pick her up when Anakin stopped her. "No wait." he said having a feeling that he knew what his daughter wanted.
Anakin carefully placed Luke next to Leia and the second they were next to each other Leia stopped screaming and seemed to go to sleep just like Luke had. There seemed to be a spark through the force when they touched for the first time that day. The spark connected the children in every way possible. Their heart and minds were now connected.
In the future 12 years later:
Luke appeared out of nowhere. Again! And again he had no idea where he was.
Then his father came from another room into the one he was in and stopped at the sight of him then his face changed "Luke Skywalker where in the sith hell have you been! I have looked everywhere for you! I have been searching for the past two hours. What you think you can blow off your Jedi Master just because I'm your father? Well you have another thing coming if that's what you think Youngling!" Anakin scolded his son.
"Uh hold on just wait one damn minute! I have no idea what's going on here but you are freaking me out. Are you saying that not only are you a Jedi master but that I'm your apprentice? I don't know if your aware of this or not but I just got back from the past so I have no idea what's going on." Luke defended himself.
Anakin stood for a second stunned. He had always worried about that other Luke because he had faded and Anakin always wondered if he had gone home or if he had become one with the force.
He had to admit that those were the same cloths that Luke wore that day. And he seemed to look the same too. Everything was the same.
Padme came in at that point "Luke. Where have you been honey? We we're worried about you." she said.
"Wait a minute. Your the Luke that came back in time? That means you really did go back to the future. Well I have to admit that's a relief. I'm glad you got to see the future you helped create. We thought that maybe you had faded and become one with the force. You should get memories from this time soon." Anakin said and no sooner had he said that that Luke feel to the ground and held his throbbing head as several images / memories came to him. A lifetime's worth of flashes and he couldn't keep up with what was happening to his brain. There was so much of it. Happiness and sadness and all kinds of emotions but most of them were positive. Unfortunately his father still believed in spanking. Damn he had thought that maybe he would grow out of that but apparently not. And apparently he had not lost his 'knack' for finding trouble. No wait he didn't find trouble trouble always found him. Right?
"Well that takes care of that I guess." Anakin said with a smirk.
"Well I'm going to make dinner I'll call when it's done." Padme said and the left the room no longer worried about her son and knowing he was just fine.
Anakin sat on the couch and beckoned his son to him. Luke came over and stood before his father who had a stern yet wry look on his face.
"Luke is there something about that other time line that you forgot to tell me?" Anakin quizzed knowingly.
"Like what?" Luke asked.
"Luke the day you left that night I saw your world. I saw everything that happened. Everything I did. I guess it was to make sure I wouldn't do it again. I saw me kill my brother and his wife and take you from them. I saw that you'd never before seen Leia in person. I saw the time when I almost killed you. I saw that apparently you don't learn from your mistakes because you stole my ship in that time too and I spanked you for it. You didn't learn a thing though did you because you did it again when you were in the past. Do you know what else I saw? I saw what you did. To Obi Wan." Anakin said not wanting to remember what he had seen but it still hurt that his son had not told him that.
Luke gasped. He had forgotten about that. Lets face it he hadn't wanted to remember it.
"Dad I'm sorry. I never wanted to remember that. I guess I just pretended like it never happened. It was more of an accident. But it's not important anymore. None of that stuff is. Because it never happened." Luke said.
"Luke it DID happen. Not in this time line but it still happened. That time line is gone now but everything that happened still happened. Why didn't you tell me that Obi wan tried to save your from me? He came to the ship and you thought he was a threat and force chocked him to death. You were very little. Maybe 9. Force chocking is a sith move. I trained you in the dark side from a young age didn't I Luke? And don't like to me." Anakin said.
"Okay. Yes. I didn't want you to know that I was trained in the ways of the dark side cause I thought you wouldn't trust me. I wasn't evil. What happened with Obi Wan was an accident I didn't know who he was and then when I figured it out it was too late. You came and you were conflicted when you saw him dead. I think you were debating on weather to mourn him or not. You moved the body and I guess I just forgot until now. I'm not proud of it. I didn't think I needed to tell you every detail about the future." Luke said.
"You didn't. But I would have like to know that you could use the dark side of the force. I still would have trusted you because I knew from the start that you only had good intentions. I'm not mad at you I was just wondering why you didn't tell me. It was sad to see you kill my old master especially at such a young age but I'm not mad at you. But from now on I want the truth okay? No more lies. I'm warning you now we have rules in this house and one of them is no lying. Breaking the rules leads straight to a spanking. I did learn one thing from seeing your old time line. I wasn't nearly as strict with you as I should have been. By the way you have a four year old younger sister named Lorraine. That's partly why your mother went back to the kitchen so fast. Lorraine is in there. Would you like to meet her? And Leia?" Anakin asked.
Luke nodded.
They both went into the kitchen and Leia gave him a hug and Lorraine practically hung all over him giving him no space at all but for some reason he didn't mind. And for the first time in his life he was together with his family. And that thought took a while to finally sink in. I have a family. Luke thought with a smile. And then they all sat down to Dinner and talked.
The end...
Sequel to come.

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